PREFACE - This post was an idea conceptualised in 2008 and the first part of it(italicized) was written 8 years ago. However for reasons unknown, the post was left incomplete. As I finally got around to completing it, I decided to leave the first part untouched, frozen in time. Technically, the same person from two different time zones with radically different viewpoints has worked on the same idea for a period of eight years. Sounds interesting eh?

When it comes to english movies,animation has always been the most appealing genre for me. Not only do they transport us to an unimaginable world of characters, but also equips the script with enough philosophical connotations to enlighten us in a entertaining manner. To my pleasant surprise I discovered an animated character whose every action is a fable......

Scrat the persistent acorn pursuer!

From a casual point of view,Scrat's role appears to be monotonous and repetitive -

  1. Search for the acorn(Desperation)

  2. Find it(Jubilation)

  3. Safeguard it(Vigilance)

  4. Try to crack it open(Diligence)

  5. Lose it(Consternation)

  6. Back to square one(Dejection)

What is it that makes this monotony so hilarious? Granted Scrat employs a host of innovative ways to pursue the acorn. But there is something more that elevates Scrat and places him among the coterie of immortals........

Something that we all can relate to......

Something that is not portrayed explicitly but is the eternal truth of life...........

The irony that try however much he might,Scrat never gets to eat the acorn!

There! I said it!



However much he tries, Scrat will never get to eat the acorn nor will the realization ever dawn on him that maybe the acorn is actually not meant for him.

On a metaphorical level, Scrat's ordeal is a reflection on our life with the acorn being the money that we run after! Our life starts with a desperate search for money, followed by a short phase of jubilation on getting our hands on it, which quickly gets replaced by the vigilant sleepless nights spent safeguarding it, ending with consternation and dejection on losing it. In repeat mode ain't that the (SC)RAT RACE after all??!! Nowhere in the process do we get to enjoy the hard earned money!! And just like Scrat, in our relentless pursuit don't we end up breaking the world into two? Take a minute to distance yourself from the race and your ordeal would seem as funny and as meaningless as Scrat's!!

Wonder what compelled Scrat to dedicate his life to this meaningless pursuit! Maybe his parents advised him that this was the best career path for his future? Or maybe the peer pressure got to him?

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