Its more than a year since i blogged. Considering the lack of time elapsed and the lack of practice,it comes as no surprise that i am left searching for the right words to use in a sentence. Whatever skills i acquired during my blogging period have gone down the drain and i am left wondering whether the first part of the sentence is grammatically correct!
What could be the reason for my extended vacation from the blog site?
I could save my neck by quoting "WRITER'S BLOCK" but i am not writer enough to suffer from writer's block. The actual reasons are:
1. Complacency
2. Laziness
3. Procrastination
I suffered from all three simultaneously and guess what? I am back to square one!
A space shuttle requires more fuel during the initial part of the journey. Once in orbit the amount of fuel consumed for the rest of the journey put together is less than the fuel consumed during blast off!(Courtesy:THE GREATNESS GUIDE BY ROBIN SHARMA). Similarly whatever new habit you try to inculcate, you will require a lot of will power in the initial stages. And once a habit is broken, you are back to square one(right where i am now!). It took a lot of coaxing from A and quite a lot of procrastination from me before i decided to write this post. I hope the path ahead would be easier and that i will return back to my old and golden days!
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